
Log format

The Node client logs its messages using a structured JSON format - ndjson. These messages are designed to be easily parsed by scripts.

The messages are output to the console by default, and look like this:

{"timestamp":"2019-11-21T13:52:00.961Z","context":"/Users/sitapati/workspace/Camunda/zeebe-client-node-js/src/zb/ZBClient.ts:433","level":50,"message":"[topology]: Attempt 5 (max: 50).","time":"2019 Nov-21 23:52:00PM","pollInterval":30000,"namespace":"ZBClient"}
{"timestamp":"2019-11-21T13:52:00.962Z","context":"/Users/sitapati/workspace/Camunda/zeebe-client-node-js/src/zb/ZBClient.ts:441","level":50,"message":"[topology]: 14 UNAVAILABLE: failed to connect to all addresses","time":"2019 Nov-21 23:52:00PM","pollInterval":30000,"namespace":"ZBClient"}

To view log messages in a human-readable format, you can pipe your program's output through pino-pretty. This results in output like this:

[2019 Nov-21 23:52:54PM] ERROR:
    context: "/Users/sitapati/workspace/Camunda/zeebe-client-node-js/src/zb/ZBClient.ts:433"
    message: "[topology]: Attempt 5 (max: 50)."
    pollInterval: 30000
    namespace: "ZBClient"
[2019 Nov-21 23:52:54PM] ERROR:
    context: "/Users/sitapati/workspace/Camunda/zeebe-client-node-js/src/zb/ZBClient.ts:441"
    message: "[topology]: 14 UNAVAILABLE: failed to connect to all addresses"
    pollInterval: 30000
    namespace: "ZBClient"

Log message levels

There are three levels of log messages:

  • 20 - DEBUG
  • 30 - INFO
  • 50 - ERROR

Set the logging level

By default, the client logs at INFO level.

Set the log level of the ZBClient to one of the log levels - DEBUG, INFO, ERROR; or to NONE to suppress all logging.

You can set the logging level of the ZBClient via the ZBClient constructor:

import { ZBClient } from 'zeebe-node'

// Suppress all log messages except errors
const zbc = new ZBClient({
  loglevel: 'ERROR'
const { ZBClient } = require('zeebe-node')

// Suppress all log messages except errors
const zbc = new ZBClient({
  loglevel: 'ERROR'

And via the environment:


Any environment setting will override the constructor setting. This is the only setting with this precedence.

Set a custom log namespace

By default, the ZBClient logs with namespace “ZBClient”. If you have more than one ZBClient instance in your application, you can distinguish between them by setting a custom log namespace. Pass a string or array of strings to the ZBClient constructor as the logNamespace parameter.

import { ZBClient } from 'zeebe-node'

const zbc = new ZBClient({
  logNamespace: 'zbc'

const zbc1 = new ZBClient({
  logNamespace: 'zbc1'
const { ZBClient } = require('zeebe-node')

const zbc = new ZBClient({
  logNamespace: 'zbc'

const zbc1 = new ZBClient({
  logNamespace: 'zbc1'

Log to a custom stdout

You can redirect the log output to somewhere other than the console by passing in an object with an info method that takes a string parameter.

import { ZBClient } from 'zeebe-node'
import { postMessage } from './my-http-log-sink'

// Use a custom log sink
const zbc = new ZBClient({
  loglevel: 'ERROR',
  stdio: {
    info: msg => postMessage(msg)
const { ZBClient } = require('zeebe-node')
const { postMessage } = require('./my-http-log-sink')

// Use a custom log sink
const zbc = new ZBClient({
  loglevel: 'ERROR',
  stdio: {
    info: msg => postMessage(msg)

For an example of a custom logger, see the implementation in the Node-RED Zeebe package.

Logging in ZBWorker

The ZBWorker inherits its log settings from the ZBClient that creates it. You can also override any of the settings in the createWorker method call.

By default the ZBWorker logs with the namespace “ZBWorker”. If a custom namespace has been set for the ZBClient, the ZBWorker inherits it and prepends “ZBWorker” to it. If you override this with an explicit namespace, “ZBWorker” is prepended to that.

import { ZBClient } from 'zeebe-node'
import { jobhandler } from './jobhandler'

const zbc = new ZBClient({
  logNamespace: 'Main ZBClient',

// Logs with namespace "ZBWorker override-namespace"
const worker = zbc.createWorker(null, 'get-user', jobhandler, {
  logNamespace: 'override-namespace'
const { ZBClient } = require('zeebe-node')
const { jobhandler } = require('./jobhandler')

const zbc = new ZBClient({
  logNamespace: 'Main ZBClient',

// Logs with namespace "ZBWorker override-namespace"
const worker = zbc.createWorker(null, 'get-user', jobhandler, {
  logNamespace: 'override-namespace'